• +34 965 261 899
  • Calle Andalucía, 17- 20, 03016 Alicante
  • Vídeo

    Gingerbread Man Activity

    The children in the classes from 0-2 years, have been having so much fun this month with the «Gingerbread Man» story in english lessons. We started the month with a puppet show and have been working to learn all about the naughty biscuit and the animals that chased him. This week we finished this activity […]

    What’s Projects?

    Projects is a component of English in which students carry out fun and interesting projects related to the contents of the unit they are working on. This permits the practice and improvement of their oral skills and increases student motivation. This time our students of 1st ESO have created a movie scene using different verb tenses and […]

    Afternoon tea with Ángel de la Guarda

    From the bottom of our hearts, we would like to thank every single family that participated in our afternoon tea activity. It was pure joy to see our little ones enjoying themselves at home with their families and everyone made such a big effort to make this activity meaningful and entertaining! Once again, thank you […]

    Senderismo, historia de Alicante y geología en la Serra Grossa y Villafranqueza

    La ciudad de Alicante tiene un espectacular patrimonio geológico que han disfrutado los alumnos de 4º de ESO tomando contacto con materiales y procesos geológicos en el campo, al mismo tiempo que practicaban senderismo y descubrían la historia reciente de nuestra ciudad. Senderos, asentamiento alicantino de la Edad de Bronce, canteras, depósitos de combustible durante […]

    Jornada Mundial De La Vida Consagrada

    Como la Virgen María presentó a Jesús en el templo, la vida de los consagrados también es presentada a Dios. “La vida consagrada, parábola de fraternidad en un mundo herido”. Oremos hoy por toda la vida consagrada y, especialmente, por el Instituto Secular Ignis Ardens para que sea testigo del fuego del amor de Dios […]

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